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UC Irvine Aldrich Park

Prerequisite Checks

    Three types of prerequisite checks are employed at UCI:

    • Course Prerequisite Eligibility Project (CPEP)
    • Comprehensive Active Prerequisite Checking System (CAP)
    • Passive Prerequisite Check

    Course Prerequisite Eligibility Project (CPEP)

    • Active prerequisite check that takes place when students request courses during WebReg course enrollment.
    • Department personnel transmit to the Registrar's Office electronic lists of students who are eligible to enroll in selected courses.
    • When a student requests a CPEP course, the list is checked to see if the student is eligible. Students ineligible for a course are instructed by WebReg to contact their academic advising office.

    More information on CPEP.

    Comprehensive Active Prerequisite Checking System (CAP)

    • Active prerequisite check that takes place when students request courses during WebReg course enrollment.
    • The system accesses the student's UCI academic record and transfer credit work to determine satisfaction of course prerequisites before allowing students to enroll in a course via WebReg.
    • UCI academic units must identify which courses at other institutions are equivalent to UCI courses before transfer credit work can be included in the check.
    • Departments may authorize students requiring an exception via CPEP.

    More information on CAP.

    Passive Prerequisite Check

    • Students are allowed to enroll in courses without a prerequisite check. Students often satisfy prerequisites at other institutions and transfer credit work may not yet be in machine-readable format.
    • A computer listing is provided to the academic unit. This identifies students enrolled in the course who did not satisfy specified prerequisites.

    Passive Prerequisite Check Request Form.