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UC Irvine Aldrich Park

Graduation and Commencement

Undergraduate Students

In order to be awarded a degree, you must file an Application for Graduation with the appropriate academic advising office, preferably during the first quarter of your senior year, but no later than the deadline set by your advising office. See your school's undergraduate advising website for details.

If you have had a period of absence for more than one certifying term, you must graduate in absentia. Apply to graduate through StudentAccess. Upon degree certification, which takes place six weeks after the end of the quarter, a Graduation in Absentia filing will be submitted on your behalf.

Though you will not be subject to tuition and fees, you will be required to pay a readmission fee if the period of absence was for more than one certifying term.

Graduate Students

You should consult with the Graduate Division, or your departmental graduate advisor, on the applicable graduation procedures.

Commencement Ceremonies

UCI undergraduate commencement ceremonies are held for all students who graduate any quarter of that academic year. Commencement protocol information is e-mailed to all prospective graduates, and also is available from academic counselors. Additional information is available from the Commencement Office.

Commencement Program

Students who earn their degrees in Summer Session, Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters, and the following Summer Session are eligible to have their name and major included in the Commencement Program. Review your Application for Graduation in StudentAccess to confirm that your name and major are both correct. If your name is incorrect, you must Request a Change of Name on UCI Records. If your major is incorrect, you must request a change through your academic advisor. If you have a written request with the Registrar's Office to restrict your public information (FERPA block), your name and major will not be included in the Commencement Program.


Transcripts that include degree information will be available as follows:

  • Early May for degrees awarded in Winter Quarter
  • Early August for degrees awarded in Spring Quarter
  • Early November for degrees awarded in Summer Session
  • Early February for degrees awarded in Fall Quarter

Transcripts including degree information may be requested in advance by indicating on your Transcript Request Form or Online Transcript Order that you would like your transcript request to be held for processing until your degree has posted to your transcript.


Students are issued one diploma for each degree awarded. Majors completed at the same time in the same school are included on a single diploma. Majors completed in different schools are issued separate diplomas. Minors and specializations are not included on the diploma but are posted on academic transcripts. Latin Honors and Campuswide Honors are posted on both the diploma and academic transcripts. University Honors are not included on diplomas, but are posted to academic transcripts. University Honors designates students who have successfully completed both the Campuswide Honors Collegium requirements and a school or major honors program.

Diplomas are generally available:

  • Late July for winter degrees
  • Mid-October for spring degrees
  • Mid-January for summer degrees
  • Mid-April for fall degrees.

When your diploma is available, you will be notified via email at your UCI email address or alternate email address provided on your Application for Graduation. It is your responsibility to update all addresses with the Registrar's Office. You may pick up your diploma at the Registrar's Office or request to have it sent to you by mail. There is a mailing fee of $10.00 for domestic mailings, and a mailing fee of $20.00 for international mailings. Students who purchased the service to have their diploma placed on a plaque by an outside vendor via the Alumni Association or UCI Bookstore will have their diplomas released to those services when the diploma is available.

The NR (No Report) Grade Notation

An NR becomes an F, NP, or U (whichever is appropriate) after one term of subsequent enrollment, or at the end of the quarter immediately preceding the awarding of a degree, whichever comes first, as governed by Irvine Academic Senate Regulation IR A345, section G2. Contact the instructor of the class about the possibility of removing the NR or replacing it with a grade. Once your degree has been awarded, your academic record is final and no changes can be made to it.

The I (Incomplete) Grade Notation

An I grade will convert to an F, NP, or U (whichever is appropriate) after remaining on your record for 12 months, as governed by Irvine Academic Senate Regulation IR A345, section F.

After You Graduate

Upon completion and the awarding of your degree, you must apply and receive approval to re-enter as a second baccalaureate student by an academic counseling office. To re-enter as a graduate student, you must apply for a graduate program through the Graduate Division Office. Your academic record cannot be changed after the awarding of your degree.