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Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Week of Jun. 27 - Jul. 3 Jun. 27 Registrar Fal 22 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week previous term through Monday of 4th week current term, each term.) Jun. 30 Registrar 2021-22 Request Non-UC Programs Abroad data from Study Abroad Center. (June 30 or prior business day, annually.) Jun. 30 Registrar Sum 22 First Summer Enrollment Report to National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - general campus. (SS I and SS 10WK.) Ju1. 1 Registrar monthly Send degree data to the National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer for any term or program awarded since previous month. (1st business day of every month.) Jul. 1 Registrar FS 22 Start daily course and student data download to OIT - School of Law. (Jul. 1, or next business day, annually.) Jul. 1 Registrar Wtr 23 Start daily applicant file download to OIT for next calendar year Wtr Qtr. (Jul. 1, or next business day, annually.) Jul. 1 Registrar Sum 22 SS I Census data extract file due to OIR, UCOP, and DUE. Jul. 1 ---------- Sum 22 End of second week of instruction - Summer Session I and Summer Session 10 Week. Jul. 1 ---------- Sum 22 End of sixth week of instruction - School of Medicine. Jul. 1? ---------- Fal 22 mini-TSPOP A - mini-Transfer Student Orientation Program. Week of Jul. 4 - 10 Jul. 4 ---------- Sum 22 Independence Day Holiday; campus offices closed. Jul. 4 Registrar Fal 22 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week previous term through Monday of 4th week current term, each term.) Jul. 5? ---------- Fal 22 mini-TSPOP B - mini-Transfer Student Orientation Program. Jul. 7 Registrar FS 22 Generate fee assessments for new and continuing students - School of Law. Jul. 7 Registrar Fal 22 Generate fee assessments for continuing students - School of Medicine. Jul. 8 Deans Wtr 23 Deadline to notify Registrar which quarter to build W23 - either W22 or F22 may be selected. Jul. 8 ---------- Sum 22 End of third week of instruction - Summer Session I and Summer Session 10 Week. Jul. 8 ---------- Sum 22 End of seventh week of instruction - School of Medicine. Week of Jul. 11 - 17 Jul. 11 Registrar Fal 22 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week previous term through Monday of 4th week current term, each term.) Jul. 11 - Sch of Med Fal 22 School of Medicine enrolls their continuing 27? students. Jul. 11 - Sch of Med Fal 22 School of Medicine enrolls their new 29? students. Jul. 11 - Registrar Wtr 23 Build W23 from W22 or F22. 29 Jul. 11 ---------- Fal 22 SPOP 1 - Student Parent Orientation Program. Jul. 14 Registrar Sum 22 Produce SS 10WK Census data extract file for OIR, UCOP, and DUE. Send only to OIR and DUE on Jul. 15. Jul. 14 ---------- Fal 22 Ten weeks before instruction begins. Jul. 15 ---------- Fal 22 SPOP 2 - Student Parent Orientation Program. Jul. 15? Registrar Spg 22 CSS & CED files and End of Quarter file due to UCOP. Jul. 15 ---------- Sum 22 End of fourth week of instruction - Summer Session I and Summer Session 10 Week. Jul. 15 ---------- Sum 22 End of eighth week of instruction - School of Medicine. Week of Jul. 18 - 24 Jul. 18 Registrar Fal 22 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week previous term through Monday of 4th week current term, each term.) Jul. 20 ---------- Fal 22 SPOP 3 - Student Parent Orientation Program. Jul. 21 ---------- Fal 22 Nine weeks before instruction begins. Jul. 22 Deans Spg 22 Degree award certifications due to Registrar. (6 weeks after quarter ends.) Jul. 22 ---------- Sum 22 End of fifth week of instruction - Summer Session I and Summer Session 10 Week. Jul. 22 ---------- Sum 22 End of ninth week of instruction - School of Medicine. Week of Jul. 25 - 31 Jul. 25 Registrar Fal 22 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week previous term through Monday of 4th week current term, each term.) Jul. 25 Registrar Spg 22 Spring Latin Honors eligibility list available to Deans for diplomas. (1st business day after degree award certification deadline.) Jul. 25 ---------- Sum 22 Summer Session I instruction ends. Jul. 25 Instructors Sum 22 WebGrades available for submission, SS I, beginning at 5 p.m. (Last day of instruction.) Jul. 25 ---------- Fal 22 SPOP 4 - Student Parent Orientation Program. Jul. 26 - ---------- Sum 22 Summer Session I final examinations. 27 Jul. 28 ---------- Fal 22 Eight weeks before instruction begins. Jul. 28? ---------- Fal 22 SPOP 6 - Student Parent Orientation Program. Jul. 29 Registrar Fal 22 Deassess graduate students who received a terminal degree Spg Qtr for a different program. (1 week after Spg Qtr degree certification deadline, annually.) Jul. 29 ---------- Fal 22 SPOP 5 - Student Parent Orientation Program. Jul. 29 Registrar Wtr 23 Last day for Registrar to build SOC from W22 or F22. Jul. 29 ---------- Sum 22 End of sixth week of instruction - Summer Session 10 Week. Jul. 29 ---------- Sum 22 End of tenth week of instruction - School of Medicine. |