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Registrar's Office Processing Calendar - Abbreviations

EDitor          = Catalogue Editor, Registrar's Office
CASPER          = Master course file system
CIM             = Course Information Management
CSS             = Corporate Student System
EAP             = Education Abroad Program
ECF             = Expanded Class File
EOT             = End of Term
eSOC            = Electronic Schedule of Classes
F/H/EMBA        = Fully Employed, Health Care Executive, Executive MBA
FA              = Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
FGU             = Final Grade Update
FS              = Financial Services
GAC             = General Assignment Classroom
Grad Div        = Graduate Division
OARS            = Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools 
OIR             = Office of Institutional Research
OIT             = Office of Information Technology
PMSB            = Dean of The Paul Merage School of Business
R25             = Event scheduling system (assigning courses into 
                  classrooms beginning W07)
SBS             = Student Billing System
Sch of Med      = School of Medicine
SIS             = Student Information System
SISPPS          = Student Information System Payroll Personnel System
SOC             = Schedule of Classes
SOM             = School of Medicine
Spec Prog       = Special Programs for WebReg enrollment 
SPOP            = Student Parent Orientation Program
SSS             = Summer Session
SS I            = Summer Session I 6 weeks
SS II           = Summer Session II 6 weeks
SS 10WK         = Summer Session 10 weeks
SW IS&AS        = Systemwide Information Systems and Administrative  
TBA             = To Be Announced
Testing Off     = UCI Testing Office
UCAWPE          = UC Analytical Writing Placement Examination
UCOP            = UC Office of the President
WebReg          = Web based registration system
WebSOC          = Web based Schedule of Classes

Fal = fall, Wtr = winter, Spg = spring, Sum = summer
F   = fall, W   = winter, S   = spring, X   = summer

FS  = fall semester, School of Law
SS  = spring semester, School of Law

Dates are subject to change.