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WebReg Login Help

How to login to WebReg

  1. Go to: https://www.reg.uci.edu/
  2. Select, "WebReg" link from the menu on the banner.
  3. Press the "Access WebReg" button in the blue box located on the right side of the page. (The "UCI Secure Web Login" page should appear).
    This is what the blue box looks like:

  4. WebReg
    To Enroll in Classes:
    · Select "Access WebReg"
    · Then, login by entering your UCInetID and Password

    WebReg Login Help

    Do NOT bookmark any Web page that appears after pushing the "Access WebReg" button.

  5. Enter your UCInetID and password, then press the, "Login" button.

A successful WebReg login

Upon successful login to WebReg you should see only the WebReg Main Menu. For example, the fall quarter WebReg Main Menu looks like this:

FALL Quarter Menu Logout
Enrollment Menu Fee Status List Schedule Enrollment Window Waitlist Menu

Resolving Problems logging into WebReg

General Information

If you are having difficulty successfully accessing WebReg, try the campus WebVPN:

  1. Go to https://vpn.nacs.uci.edu
  2. Login with your UCInetID and password.
    An alert window will appear; click "OK" to continue.
    (Help for campus VPN.)
  3. In the "Enter Web Address (URL)" box enter: http://www.reg.uci.edu
  4. Click on the "WebReg" link at the top of the page.
  5. Click on the "Access WebReg" button in the blue box on the right side of the page.

If this is unsuccessful, try:

  1. Clearing your browser's cache, quitting all other applications, etc.

    For example, if your Web browser is a current version of "Internet Explorer (IE)":

    1. Quit out of IE and all other applications, including but not limited to: your e-mail, instant messenger, etc.
    2. Press the "Start" menu, select "Settings", and then, "Control Panel"
    3. After the "Control Panel" window opens, double-click on "Internet Options"
    4. Click on the "General" tab
    5. In the "Temporary Internet Files" section, select and confirm, "Delete Cookies"
    6. In the "Temporary Internet Files" section, select and confirm, "Delete Files"
    7. Close the "Internet Options" window
    8. Start IE
    9. Go to, "https://www.reg.uci.edu/"
    10. Click on the "WebReg" link on the banner menu
    11. Press the, "Access WebReg" button to access WebReg

  2. Restarting your machine
    1. Quit out of IE and all other applications, including but not limited to: your e-mail, instant messenger, etc.
    2. Shut down your computer. The power should be "off". (Don't just "Restart" or "Log off as...")
    3. Start your computer
    4. Start only your Web browser program (e.g. IE) Do not start any other program (e.g. e-mail, instant messenger, etc.)
    5. Go to, "https://www.reg.uci.edu/"
    6. Click on the "WebReg" link on the banner menu
    7. Press the, "Access WebReg" button to access WebReg

  3. Other login-related solutions

Specific Situations

The WebReg "logout" page is returned after pressing the "Login" on the "UCI Secure Web Login" page

  • If the WebReg Logout Screen appears instead of the "UCI Secure Web Login" screen, then read the message at the bottom of the screen. This message will provide information about why the "UCI Secure Web Login" screen did not appear. This will give you more specific information as to why you were unable to login.
  • Login attempts to "UCI Secure Web Login" result in the message, "Invalid UCInetID or password. Please try again."